Flipper/Go-Naminori Collaboration


I use to organize a lot of surf trips.  This one was special because it was one of the first times 2 magazines collaborated.  I got to choose the boys, and Shinomiya-san got to choose the girls.  Along with world renown photographers Alan Van Gysen and John Callahan, we did a double boat trip to the Maldives.  Yes, one week on one boat, then another week on another boat.  Huge boats, perfect surf, party nights, and lifetime memories.

This was my hangout as I wanted to know everything about boats.

As for the Maldives, you aren’t allowed to take in any alcohol in the country with you.  So everything you drink, you have to purchase it on the boat.  The beer was $5/each, and a bottle of Jack Daniels was about $60.  That was super expensive for us at the time.

Luckily, the bartender challenged us to drinking games.  Of course he lost.  So this night, all the beers ended up being free!  Haha.
