good evening. windy day but i love it. fresh air, cool tradewinds, and a lot of rainbows. i surfed bowls today and it was pretty fun. 1-2′ and perfect. windy but offshore. after surfing north shore last week with 100 hungry pro surfers and deadly waves, it felt good to soul surf bowls yesterday and today. i like both small and big waves. both make me happy….

controversy at the last UFC bj penn vs. st. pierre fight. st. pierre’s cornerman was rubbing vaseline all over his body between rounds. that’s why bj couldn’t grab him. that’s not fair. it’s like andy irons putting vaseline all over kelly slaters surfboard before the finals at the pipe masters. is that fair??? rematch? gotta….

hey, did you know that my blog has a search engine built in? see that box on the right top corner? type in something and see what comes up. your name? somebody else’s? i must have done over 5,000 blog entries so go dig in there. i just typed in “DIVING” and i couldn’t believe how many came out. gosh, i must talk about diving a lot… sorry…

DIVING DIVING DIVING… i’ll talk about it again. we went diving last week and hayato caught this ika or “squid” while we were diving. i like diving. i love diving. hayato caught this ika diving. wait, i said that already. diving is the best. diving is what i want to do. and if you tasted the sashimi from this ika, you will want to go diving too. thanks for diving with me hayato. let’s go diving again soon…. DIVE YOUR DREAMS….
