The Princess First Surf


Princess Leia is only 5 years old and today was her very first surf experience.  She was so brave and popped up on her first ride.  It was funny because I don’t think she knew what to feel.  Imagine getting up on a surfboard and gliding over the ocean?  Yes, this is the best Disneyland in the world!

The smile after a ride says it all.  I was about this age when I caught my very first wave and I still remember it very well.  Good job Princess Leia!

Mama Toshimi-san hasn’t surfed for a while but after a few waves, all the muscle memory came back.  This is a very nice ride!

The waves were super fun and only had 2 other surfers out.  We all know that if this were Japan, there would be a hundred surfers for sure.  It’s hard to believe we are in the middle of Winter in Hawaii because it’s warm like Summer!

Blue sky, clean water, sunshine, and a perfect ride.  Welcome back to the Rikita-san family!

