It’s so crazy how things grow so fast here in the valley. Everything is really green and you don’t even have to water your plants. The morning showers takes care of that. Check out the lemon on the tree I just got! It turned yellow today!
It’s been 12 years of pure happiness. When I first brought Mayuki home, I was the happiest man in the world. I still remember that day clearly because it was a dream come true. This is and will always be my dream boat.
This was the very first time I took her out. The mechanic who built the boat was with me because he was supposed to teach me how to drive it. Once we left the harbor, I pushed full throttle and started jumping over waves as the guy was holding on for his dear life. He must have thought I was crazy! Yes, I was crazy happy! When we got back to the harbor, he got off the boat, didn’t say anything, and walked back to his car. That was the last time I seen or heard from him. I think he was in shock. Haha.