A beautiful morning with the 2 Aoki-san brothers!
Younger brother Shunsuke-san surfing really good.
Today they learned how to go off the lip. I’m impressed because they have only been surfing for 3 years. You should have seen Shunsuke-san’s smile after this.
Older brother Shota-san was next. Perfect bottom turn.
And going off the lip. I was giving the boys small tips here and there and they were surfing each wave better and better.
Nice style and nice form. Thank you boys for the amazing morning.
Pretty cool how Mighty Mouse can find waves on her own. This was a really good one.
This one was even better. And she’s smiling! Waves were so good this morning!
Yesterday, we took the boat out very far and for 12 hours, something wasn’t right. I saw a small oil leak but being 50 miles away from Oahu, we kept on diving.
We went back this morning to wash the boat and guess what? The steering was broken! The boat couldn’t steer anymore! Thank goodness that didn’t happen yesterday. I spent this whole afternoon trying to diagnose a couple problems in the hot sun getting sunburnt again.
Joshua came to drop off my fish. One omilu and one uku. One for sashimi and one for the steamer. That was a very successful day!