Hawaii Garage Sale and Konoshiki Live!!!


gosh, what a beautiful day it was today. i was in kaneohe where it’s usually raining but today was bluer then blue. perfect weather!!!

check out the koolau mountains. looks like tahiti….

i was passing by the shopping center when i seen GARAGE SALE signs. so i pulled over to check it out…

breathalyzer? i opened it up…

it checks your breath for alcohol. there’s a fine line in hawaii. drink 2 beers and it’s ok to drive? what about 3? or 4? this tests your alcohol level by just blowing into it. i got it for $7. what a deal. it’s going right into my car… and wait to you see the other cool things i bought. like old school hawaiian albums. yes, C & K albums… collector kine…
**went for a short dive on my boat this afternoon with hayato. it was windy, cold, and cold. yeah, cold. got a few fish and came right back in. today was not a good day for diving. it was a good day to stay in bed under my blanket….
**and last, got this youtube email from my friend russ. he took video of konoshiki and his wife singing at a picnic yesterday in hawaii. cool… thanks russ…
