Free Tohoku and iPhone 4s


i surfed with Morikawa-san before a few years ago. had a great time in hawaii. but ever since the 3/11 tsumami, things changed. he went on his mission along with Tetsuya-sana and Chinasuki where they formed “Free Tohoku.” i went on my mission and formed “We Are One.” we went our different directions, but ended up at the same place, Ishinomaki. remember the christmas cakes for the kids who lost their parents? yes, that’s their idea and it was really successful. so after surfing together yesterday, we had lots to talk about. ideas for the upcoming year, and ideas on how to keep the smiles on the kids faces. i felt so good surfing with these 3 wonderful surfers. i hope we can work together to make positive things happen up in tohoku. we will never forget what’s happened.

time is money right? right! after 15 long years with T-mobile, i finally quit their services. i put up with thousands of dropped calls, i put up with slow internet connection, i put up with bad signal, and i put up with bad service. why? because it was $10 cheaper a month than it’s competitors. 2 days ago after spending 5 precious hours of trying to get my iPhone 4 to work, and getting super frustrated, i said “I QUIT.” i walked into AT&T and spent over $300 on my first ever brand new iPhone. yes, up until now, i was buying used iPhones. i bought the best, i spent the most, and now i’m happier than ever. i don’t have to talk in a small corner of my house so i won’t lose signal, i don’t have to get dropped calls from important people, and i don’t have to wait in long lines to fix problems T-Mobile created. my new iPhone 4s works great, takes awesome photos, and makes my life easier. when people say “time is money,” i know exactly what they mean. i felt like i wasted 15 years of my life. good bye T-Mobile, hello AT&T!!!
