Look, but don't touch!


i’ve been meeting a lot of bike riders recently. pretty cool people. i’m new to the biker scene but after riding around on this bike, i better get use to it because i get stopped a lot by people asking me what kind of bike it is. all i know that it is a harley davidson rocker series. how big is the motor? i don’t know. how fast does it go? fast! when i take this on the freeway, i can get up to 100mph or 160km in 4 seconds. people freak at me. my face feels like it’s going to peel back. but the feeling is just too good. i take this for a spin around diamond head once in a while and when i’m going up the hill, everybody knows i’m coming cause it’s so dam loud. i’m starting to love riding bike and i’m thinking about getting my first black leather jacket and boots. haha.

the only downfall of this bike is maintenance and cleaning. it’s cost a lot of money just to change the oil and tune it up. and it takes hours to clean every piece of chrome. but when your riding it around town, it’s all worth it.

the thing i like most about this bike is the back tire. it’s super wide so when i’m taking sharp turns, it feels solid.
how’s this for funny. a couple of times, guys stopped me and actually asked me if they could ride it. guys i don’t even know. i thought that was crazy! no dam way, it’s not even mine. haha.
