Love on the Rocks!


ever since i watched this movie over 30 years ago, i was hooked on Neil Diamond. the Jazz Singer was a cool movie with the best soundtrack. i memorized every single song by heart, and followed Neil Diamond ever since. i was waiting for the chance for a concert in hawaii and that day is coming! february 16, 2012, please don’t bother me. i will be busy from 8pm and there is no way in the world i’m missing this concert. i waited over 30 years and nothing is stopping me. who am i going with? by myself. why? because i don’t know anybody else who likes Neil Diamond. haha.

if you want to get your ticket, there are still lots available. i got mine on the front row if the lodge. that means, i have a direct view of the stage, and nobody will block my way! so long i have a few beers and a couple of jacksan’s, i’ll make some friends for sure. haha.
