Linda Lingle getting Barreled?


for the past week, my friend bobby has been texting me about a Linda Lingle “Working for Hawaii” campaign ad that’s been running on tv everyday. linda lingle is running for the U.S Senate this year. the commercial has been running on all the channels including KHON and ESPN. he told me “hey, i swear i seen you on a linda lingle commercial in the barrel.” what? in the barrel? on a linda lingle commercial? well first of all, i don’t vote. second, linda lingle hasn’t done anything good for me, third, i didn’t authorize anything like that. so bobby found me the commercial on youtube last night and when i saw it, i was tripping out. yes, it is me, yes, i am in the barrel, but no, i had no idea they were going to use me for that commercial. what should i do? being it is a commercial of promoting tourism in hawaii, i think i have an idea. instead of getting all upset about things, maybe i should ask linda lingle for a job in the tourism division. i spend absolutely no money promoting hawaii, but if i had a big budget to promote this beautiful island, i know exactly what to do. this is the most beautiful place on earth and i can show you why.

this is the commercial airing on all major tv channels, this is linda lingle.

this is me, and this is me getting barreled at backdoor. i was pretty stoked to see this barrels shot of me. made me feel like i was getting barreled again. the only bummer thing is that i hate politics! haha. the linda lingle campaign doesn’t have to pay me anything for using me on her commercial, all i ask is for her secret service security to block off backdoor/pipeline for 2 hours so only my friends and i can surf it. that would be a dream!
