2008 TSSC Users Cup…


good morning. 6:30am and the waves are looking small again. these are the kind of days you have to go driving around looking for a little compact wave for you and your buddies. i know where i’m going. hope you find your little barrel today…. oh, had a question? i’m looking for a suitcase. a medium size hard one that has wheels. it has to be good quality because i’m going to be living out of it when i travel for the next 5 years. it has to be light, and strong and not the fabric ones. i remember there use to be a luggage store in ward warehouse but it’s not there anymore. i was looking online last night and couldn’t find one. i want to walk into a store and just buy one. and i already checked macy’s. if you know were i can get one, please let me know. thanks a lot….

**the annual TSSC USERS CUP in shikoku, japan is coming up in a few weeks. it’s a contest i’ve been going to for the last 15 years or so. good people, good surfing, good vibe, and good fun. we always have a great time and i can’t wait till this year. i found some video clips i took. the problem is i borrowed matsuo’s camera and it took it in a different format. so i had to convert it using some weird software and it cut out the best parts of the clips. the last 4 seconds of every clip is gone so pretty much the best part. anyway, check it out if you have time. this year, i’m going to make a much better one…. see you in shikoku!!!
