Hawaii Ocean Expo with BJ Penn….


good sunday morning. i got an email from russ inouye a few weeks ago about the 1st ever hawaii ocean expo he put together down at the blaisdell exhibition hall. all i have to say is WOW!!! i wasn’t expecting to see what i saw. russ pulled together surfers, divers, fishermen, artists, law enforcement, musicians, cooks, and pretty much everybody that’s connected to the ocean. it’s the first one of this kind and a great idea. everybody loves the ocean so why not do something good together? yup, this was a great event to meet all the ocean lovers and to see what’s out there. i ended up staying there for 2 hours and seen people from all walks of life…. want to congratulate russ for an awesome job. at a time when our economy is slowing down, we needed something like this. something positive!!! today is the last day so get down there before it finishes up at 5 or 6pm. and take your kids because there are fun and games for them… and good food… and i heard bj penn will be down there today….

stand up paddle surfing is booming right now. there were a few booths that where drawing in a lot of people. and the cool thing about it is that now you have fishermen that want to surf. and surfers who want to fish. gosh, somebody should put an expo like this together in japan? who, me? ummm…..

clark little photography booth was always crowded with people. clark’s an artist that got famous faster than any artist i’ve ever known. his work is so incredible that i can’t stop looking at some of his paintings… i was talking to him but my eyes were glued on his paintings. bigger things to come out of this little guy… i mean clark little….
*yesterday was a weird day because i went to 2 events, the ocean expo, and the craig sako’s 50th birthday party. i’ve seen so many of my friends and made new ones. imagine bumping into ben aipa, glenn minami, clark little, sonny tanabe, reid inouye, wayne takamure, tyson onishi, brad kanashiro, curtis miyashiro, guy hagi, jeannie chesser, david liu, kevin yen, keoni watson, shuji and mito kasuya, and hundreds more… and this was all in 4 hours time. it’s awesome to know such cool people from all walks of life… this is what’s cool about hawaii….
**oh, i forgot the surf report. maybe it’s because the waves are flat? haha… small waves around the island with strong trade winds. i’m going surfing anyway… have a nice day…

oh, check out this camera mask. what a great idea. this is just one of the many things i wanted to buy yesterday at the expo. i might have to go back today to pick this up….[:????????$B!r(B:]
