Marathon Man


i’m so happy that the Mayor of Minami-Soma ran and completed the tokyo marathon. Mayor Sakurai participated in it to let people know that the earthquake/tsunami/radiation tragedy is not over yet. it was for public awareness that the public pretty much forgot about. half of Minami-Soma happens to be inside the 20km evacuation zone that is still blocked off almost 1 year after. the plant is still leaking radiation in the air, lots of the land is still contaminated, and a lot of people left and won’t be back to that city. i give this man a lot of credit for sticking up and speaking out for his city!
this was the first time i met Mr. Sakurai back in April. super energetic, and super positive. i could feel a good vibe and i was stoked how he didn’t run away from his city, instead, stayed there the whole time and spoke out of the people he represented. that takes balls. i respect him for doing that and still fighting for his city that a lot of people abandoned. in fact, i’m going to call him now to say hello and to congratulate him on his marathon accomplishment. shucks! he didn’t answer. well, i left a message and hope he gets it.
