Okinawan "Suicide Cliffs"


here is a google photo of suicide cliffs in okinawa. i remember checking the waves there 9 years ago with satoru-san. we were all in the car driving around checking the waves when he told me about the story of suicide cliffs. from what i remembered, what went from a happy car ride, all of a sudden turned heavy. it was kind of a touchy moment for me that i will never forget. satoru-san was telling me about the thousands of okinawan people that jumped off this cliff during WW2 because they were scared to be captured by the americans. and about people digging caves in the mountains and committing suicide. gosh, i was shocked, and still am. being 4th generation american/japanese, i’m feel stuck in the middle. yes, i’m proud to be american, but at the same time, i’m proud of my japanese heritage. there are a lot of things that happened in WW2 that still bother me. i took asian studies courses in college and was taught a lot about the war. my own grandparents were right in the middle of it. imagine living in hawaii as a 1st generation japanese national and waking up to bombs at pearl harbor from your own country? and imagine watching the news of an atomic bomb being dropped in the middle of your hometown, hiroshima. i get chills even thinking about it. my grandparents and great-grandparents went through a rough time here in hawaii during the war. but they never complained about it once to me. all they said was “war is bad, everybody loses”…. gosh, i can go on and on and around and around. but getting back to that drive along suicide cliffs 9 years ago. thinking back at it now, the thing that fascinates me is how people can forgive. they put the past aside and treat everybody equal. and by me going to okinawa and becoming so close to the people, i learned how to do the same..
**i hate talking about the war and stuff but i think that we should all know what really happened. even our kids. till this day, i have japanese people coming up to me and saying bad things to me about america and stuff. i can understand that. but i think they don’t know both sides of the story. i was fortunate to learn both sides and from what i learned. we were all wrong. just like my grandparents said….
