Tony Moniz and Edmonds….


i was at the quiksilver board riders club out in haleiwa the other day. i was gazing at the old photos all of the walls in the store. then i came across this one of tony moniz. cool old school shot…. remember the full gorilla grip deck patches? i had those on my board too… and i got them free. from tony….

remember edmonds? when i use to live on the north shore as a kid, my mom and grandma use to take me to this clothes store called edmonds. it eventually closed and businesses came and gone. but every time i pass this building, i always remember my brothers and i playing hide and seek in the clothes racks. i hope this building never goes away. and did you hear that haleiwa super market (IGA) is closed? sad…. almost as sad when they torn down the haleiwa theatre….. why would you want to completely crush a piece of history??? i don’t get it. every time i pass by the mcdonald’s that took it’s place, i get pissed at ronald….
