No Violence? or Violence?


i always leave my slippers on the beach at bowls when i go surfing. i heard a lot of people having their slippers stolen. well, yesterday was my first time. i got out of the water and it was gone! i actually bury it in the sand to hide it and somebody dug it up and stole it. the funny thing is i bet you anything i will find it! it is my favorite Yamari custom made slippers from japan and it’s one of a kind here in hawaii. if i see somebody wearing it, i will attack them, beat them up, then call the police. i’m pretty upset right now. i hate people that steal!

remember the chinese guy that ran over my surfboard? well, if he was cool and said sorry, i would have let it go. but when he laughed at me and his wife started yelling on the phone to me, instead of beating him up and punching his car, i waited for the police. after all the legal formalities, i finally got a check for $500. yeah, if somebody runs over your surfboard, instead of beating him up and going to jail, just call the police and let the insurance take care of it. i’m pretty happy with $500. i can fix my old board and eat sushi! haha.

in all the years i’ve ridden the train in japan, i’ve never seen something like this. i seen some foreigners trying to touch young japanese girls and after staring them with an eye like i was going to kill them, they stopped. this foreigner caught caught with the surveillance camera and got arrested. this is something i wouldn’t walk away from. if i seen a guy doing this to a young japanese girl in the train, i will turn him around, punch him in the face, kick him in the balls, kick him in the balls again, and kick him in the balls again till the police stop me. there is no excuse for sexually harassing a young girl like this. i’m glad this guy got caught and i hope his face is on the news in the country where he’s from.
