Tsunami – Caught On Camera – Part 1 of 7


good evening. what a great day! there was a contest at bowls today. the Hawaii State Championships to be exact. nobody is allowed to surf bowls but since i have a friend that is water patrol, i went out to catch a few. while i was out there, i got to watch my 3 nephew’s heats. seth, josh, and isaiah moniz. as soon as i seen isaiah, i yelled to him “No Excuses!!!” it was only round 1 and they aren’t supposed to be eliminated. the 3 boys ended up advancing and will probably see them out there tomorrow. i was super happy to see my grown up nephews surfing so good and looking so calm in the lineup.
i don’t know how, but i came across this video of the big tsunami in that rolled over country after country from indonesia all the way to africa. over 100,000 people died? or maybe over 200,000? compare that to japan, it was a much larger scale. in japan, people were warned about the tsunami. in indonesia, nobody was warned, nobody knew, and nobody ran until it was too late. the footage and stories of the survivors is unbelievable. this is part 1 of 7 and you should watch all of it. it will teach you something about the ocean, something about nature, something about life, and something on how to prepare for a tsunami. it’s a fact that there will be more tsunamis that will hit countries all around the world. know your plan, know what to do, and maybe you can save your life or somebody else’s life.
