good morning. 6:45 on this sunny monday morning. the waves are looking pretty dam good now. seen some 2′ sets at bowls with perfect conditions. light trade winds and 15 guys out. north shore is flat. going to the airport to pick up tokura-san and we’re going surfing!!! have a nice day!!!
i went to baskin and robbins the other night for a late night snack. they call it 31 flavors because there are 31 flavors right? that makes sense…. i remember going to the baskin and robins they had at koko marina shopping center after school and trying every flavor. the lady use to get mad at us but really couldn’t say anything. then after eating all those samples, i always chose the “pink bubble gum flavor”….[:?????????:]
since when did they start having chocolate dipped waffle cones????
i got the biggest one. by the way, i don’t remember an ice cream cone costing $5.35? big time inflation…
***i took some video clips this past north shore season at a barbecue where okinawa meets hawaii. there was plenty of aloha at this barbecue. i’m planning a couple of trips this year to okinawa and i can’t wait to hang out with the boys. surf, eat, drink, and have fun!!! see you guys soon….