Meet Mr. Old, and Mr. Young from Japan


wanted to say happy birthday to japanese national Kimura-san, who is the world’s oldest man. he just turned 115 years old and when asked what was the secret to his long life? he said “it’s the result of the blessing from the sun. I look up at the sky every day.” what a cool grandpa!
now meet the youngest billionaire in the world, Yoshikazu Tanaka. also from japan, this 35 year old kid use to work at Rakuten until he started his hobby website called “GLEE.” now with 200 million players, Tanaka is worth more than $1.6 billion. if i was this kid, i’d take my company bigger for a few years, then sell it for $3 billion. then invest $500 million into Go-Naminori, then we can surf the world! haha. these social networking sites like facebook, twitter, and glee are amazing. but as soon as some other new popular site comes around, it’s all downhill. remember MySpace? yeah, what happened to it?
a friend sent me an email with the subject “Stupid People.” there were lots of photos with people doing stupid things. when i came across this one of the guy washing his car in the rain, i got offended. no, i’m not stupid, but i wash my car in the rain all the time. i even wash my car at night or before the sun comes up sometimes. it’s part of my job and i take it seriously. when you don’t have time like me, you have to do what you have to do. just don’t come over to my house and take a photo of me because i wash my car naked. haha. just joking.
