How to get a Motorcycle License on Oahu, Hawaii.


i just found out that i’m not supposed to be packing somebody on a motorcycle, or driving at night because i still have my permit. i’ve been breaking the law so decided to become a law abiding citizen this morning. i went to take my motorcycle road test and i heard horror stories about it. everybody told me it’s really hard and the guy who gives the exam doesn’t give second chances.
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first of all, finding the place wasn’t easy. there is absolutely no information online about the requirements and motorcycle test schedule. most people just go down, try, fail, and have to go back again. me? i don’t have time to go back so i made sure i was ready. anyway, if your looking for it, it’s right across the street of the main entrance for the aloha stadium.
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you have to park in the big parking lot, then walk across the street to this old looking building. have to do all the paper work, then go back across the street and take the road test.
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this is the guy! really strict and doesn’t pass too many people. i was pretty nervous. i actually hid my camera while taking this photo. if he seen me, he probably would have failed me. and also maybe hit me. haha.
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this is a closer view of the office. they do all the paperwork in there so you go there before, and if you pass, after.
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there were 5 of us taking the test. i was number 3. this guy was number 1 and i saw him run over a cone and that was it. he failed and has to go back again. and probably again. me? i concentrated, focused, thought positive, and passed it without any mistakes. out of us 5, only me and this other guy passed. it was actually harder than i thought because the course is so small and you have to everything exactly what the guy says. it’s a test of your driving skills, and also a test of your listening skills.
anyway, since you can’t find anywhere what you need, here is some info:
1. the office is located at 99-501 Salt Lake Blvd. hours are 6:45am – 3pm. but you have to be in the parking lot ready to take the test at 9am sharp so get there early to get your registration in. i got there at 8:20am. perfect time. and was all done by 10am.
2. you need your passport or birth certificate, your social security number card, valid drivers license, and $8 to take the test, and $40 for your 6 year license. you also need your motorcycle registration, insurance card, and safety check documents.
3. you also need to be wearing a helmet, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and shoes.
4. don’t panic. the guy is strict, but it’s good because you don’t want inexperienced motorcycle riders on the road anyway.
finally i’m fully legal. i can ride around town with a friend on the back, and i can also ride at night. and everywhere i travel around the world, i can get a motorcycle international license so i can see the world in a totally different way. thinking about riding a bike from san francisco to and through mexico this summer. wanna go? it was a pretty dam happy day for me! sweet dreams!
