USA Secret Service, Facebook busted, Ass spear


it’s unbelievable how stupid how some of the U.S Secret Servicemen could be. you have the top security job in the world getting paid over $100,000/year to protect the president. you have to watch all around and act on a split second. your job is prestigious, your job is important, and your job is a job that millions of americans would die for. then you go on assignment to Colombia to protect the president. while President Obama is sleeping, you invite a bunch of prostitutes to your hotel room for a party. and you get CAUGHT! the whole world knows your name, the whole world is looking down on you. how embarrassing is that? on top of that, you get fired! OMG! i bet the president is pissed at all 12 of you guys.
one of the secret service that got fired was David Chaney. that’s him in the back of vice president candidate Sarah Palin. this was a photo taken 3 years ago and guess what he did with this photo? he put it on his facebook with the caption “I was really checking her out, if you know what I mean?” what an idiot! facebook? what an idiot! see his wedding ring? i’m not to sure how much longer he will be married. this guy doesn’t deserve to be responsible for protecting our president.
last, my friend warren sent me this photo. he got it from his friend who runs a dive charter in australia. see that spear shaft going through that guys ass? OMG! that must have hurt. hey warrren, thanks for the photo mate. keep um coming! and enjoy your trip to hawaii!
