One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure!


what a great day for surfing! the ISA world contest finished today and the Hawaii team won 2 of 3 divisions, and also win the overall Gold Medal! yes, #1 juniors in the world!!! i’m so proud of my 3 nephews representing hawaii, especially to joshua for making it all the way to the finals!
the big surprise today was japan’s performance. top japanese junior Takami Nakamura got 2nd place! i think it’s the best result of a japanese surfer ever! and japan came 5th place overall, above france! wow! i was listening to the commentators and everybody seemed surprised on how well the japanese were surfing. as soon as i seen the waves on the first day, i knew team Japan was going to do good. the waves at the contest site is exactly like the waves in japan. it’s like surfing in your backyard. i was surprised on how well the hawaiian team did because we don’t have beach breaks like that in hawaii. but hey, a good day for hawaii and japan!
throughout my life, i’ve been accumulating junks. well, things i really don’t need. instead of throwing it away, i just stuck it in my closet. ever since the tsunami last year, i’ve been trying to live a simple life. do i throw everything away? no, it’s not junk junk, it’s good junk. so i get up this morning at 4:30am, load up my car until i cannot fit anything more, then head down to the aloha stadium to sell everything. yes, i wasn’t planning to come home with anything.
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got there at 6am, left at 12pm. 6 hours of rain, sun, wind, and working hard. but when i came home and emptied out my pockets, i was pretty surprised!
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i made $917.45!!!!! yeah, big money! and to think i was going to throw everything away? crazy. i had a lot of leftover things i couldn’t sell so i put them back in my car and donated it goodwill down my street. the swap meet sellers market was pretty crazy. it was my first time and i sure learned a lot down there.
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there’s a saying “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” all my junk was much appreciated by the buyers. i sold brand new oakley sunglasses for $5, and other surf/dive stuff for as little as 50 cents. sold things for so cheap that even the buyers were surprised. i wasn’t there to make money, i just wanted my junks to go into the right peoples hands. then a guy walked up to me and asked “want to trade some stuff for these golf clubs?” i said, “sure.” i ended up coming home with a killer golf club set, and a nice fishing pole.
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one guy i don’t even know came up to me in the pouring rain “hey kirby, you want to use my tent? i said, “no, that’s ok.” it was raining hard and everything was getting soaked, including me. then he came and asked me again. i said “no, i’m good.” 5 minutes later, he came with his big tent and set it up for me. thanks to skin diver tv because that’s how he knew me. haha. then i saw Nixon distributer Song-san. i told him about my last nixon watch that leaked and he pulled his watch off his risk, and gave it to me. so i scored this new nixon tide watch.
today was a great day for me. team hawaii won the gold, i made some big money, i got a new set of golf clubs (that i will probably never use), and i got a new watch (that i will definitely use), and i learned that my junks can make people happy. and i also learned that i will never collect junks anymore because i don’t need it. all i need is my surfboard, camera, and spear gun to keep me happy! cheers!
