Power of the Ocean and Swap Meet Hassling


ever since i got back from M6, i’ve been going online and watching
videos of the tsunami hitting japan. i’m trying to learn and figure out
the strength of the ocean. it’s unbelievable how strong and fast the
water was moving that day. most of the footage i’ve seen for the first
time and it was pretty shocking. this video is taken of normal people
that day and it’s incredible on the raw power of the ocean, and the
power of the people. i don’t think the world was ready for 3/11 and now
that all this footage is out, i’m sure it has taught us not to
underestimate the ocean. i’ve always respected the ocean but after
watching this video, i respect it a whole lot more.
going on to another subject. after thinking about what happened at the
flee market yesterday, i was kind of wondering about the security and
stuff down there. as soon as i pulled up my car, there were people
waiting in the dark trying to see what i was going to sell. as soon as i
opened the first box, there were hands everywhere. and before i could
unload another box, there were people in my car digging into boxes and
stuff. it was weird. i actually had to tell everybody to step back. i’m
pretty sure people walked off with things without paying, but it’s ok.
other than getting wet in the rain, it was a pretty good experience. i
seen a few friends, i seen the wind pick up a tent and throw it into
cars and people. one guy got cut and had to get taken away by the
ambulance. and watching the bargain hunters was cool. everybody wakes up
early and goes down there for to look for a deal. i sold most of my
things for $1-5. there was money flying around everywhere, there were
people coming in from every direction, and there were a lot of happy
shoppers. will i do it again? no way! once is enough for me and if you
decide to go there for the first time as a seller, please be careful.
wind, rain, and thieves on a quiet sunday morning.
what was funnier is when i took a walk to the bathroom, i was passing by
other sellers and seen a lot of the things i sold earlier. i sold a
dolphin wood carving for $2 and the lady took it to her stall and tried
to sell it for more. classic.
