41 dives on my day off.


up until a few years ago, i use to wait for the perfect diving day and go no matter what. but recently because i’m so busy, i have to go when i have a day off. today was the day. it was super windy, dirty water, and probably a lot of tiger sharks around. but when you have to go, you have go! my body needed it, my mind needed it, and my dinner table needed it. i took 41 dives and i’m feeling great! but probably be sleeping like a baby really soon.
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kyle and i have a similar life. surf/dive/shoot/travel is pretty much what we do. so when it’s time to dive, it’s time to dive. and when it’s time to go to mentawai next month, it’s time to go to mentawai. see you there kyle! and good luck in your next free dive trip to fiji!
i want to congratulate the japan team once again. for them to place 5th in the world, it’s unreal! the level of the kids are just getting better and better. i just hope the surfing media gets better and better too. and after watching the world contest with all the happy kids, it made me realize i have to do a better job to keeping surfing alive. my dreams came true, and not it’s my turn to make others come true too! ganbarimasu!
takumi was the standout for the japanese team. i hope this kid makes the world tour and i hope japanese sponsors and media make it happen!
well, better go to sleep. i haven’t felt this relaxed and calm in a long time. going underwater takes me to another world and sometimes i don’t want to come back to reality. i scare myself how relaxed i am holding my breath 40′ down. it’s just me and the ocean. i can’t wait to go again!
