Cherry Blossom Market


i can’t believe how good the waves have been since i got back from japan. it just seems non-stop and seems like summer is here already. it is hot, the waves are good, it is sunny, and the winds are perfect. i surfed 2x yesterday and had epic sessions both times. i say solid 5′ sets with perfect conditions. all my friends surfing good! i passed by diamond head in the evening on the way to dinner and couldn’t believe how nice it was. i saw a 6′ set break all the way across! what a great start to a great summer! today i’m surfing all day again! see you in the water.
i want to thank everybody at tokyo’s A-Wave Electrical Service for volunteering their time and effort to the We Are One Market in Kitakami. they were up there putting in the finishing touches in the new air condition unit in the new market. here is Tajima-san working from the heart!
to see the continuing effort all the way from hawaii makes me so happy. We Are One is really standing up for its name. people are joining together to help for the same vision. we will never give up, we will never forget, WE ARE ONE! thank you so much to Saito-san, Kanai-san, and everybody at A-Wave Electrical for their love and support for tohoku. see you all again soon!
this photo is so amazing! the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! kitakami is alive! see the One Market in the background? that all started by a vision, then people took that vision and made it real. i’m so happy and proud to be a part of something so special.
to everybody in Kitakami and the Market. i want to wish you all a great cherry blossom season. although i’m far away from you, my heart is right near yours. you are all amazing people. you all inspire me. and you all are a great example of how to take action and move forward. japan is on the road to recovery and it’s all because of people like you. keep warm, keep positive, keep smiling, and see you soon! aloha from hawaii.
