A Magic Board Could Change Your Life….


good evening from jakarta. wow, it’s been a long day but i’m finally half way back to japan. my flight leaves in 3 hours so i’m going to get a massage, eat KFC, and get on my flight. i just tried to check my mail but it’s still downloading. 584 and counting. hey, i’ll get back to you all later. oh, get this, i was invited on another surf trip from june 19-21 to miyazaki. that’s in a few days but, i’m there!!!! surf japan, surf indo, surf hawaii, surf everywhere. invite me, and i’m go. yup, GO-NAMINORI…..

akazawa-san has been surfing so good recently. in my opinion, he’s surfing better than ever. after the 3rd day of him surfing so good and fast, i went to investigate his surfboard. shit!! he’s riding a 4 fin chris kaysen retro board. he let me try it on 2 waves and when i first stood up, i already knew it was a magic board. fast, loose, and solid. akazawa-san told me that that’s his magic board and i was actually jealous. but i just remembered something. chris kaysen is in japan now shaping for TSSC and will be there for another week. PERFECT!!! so i just sent yasan an email begging him to let me order the exact same board akazawa-san has. it’s the kind of board that needs to be in my board bag while i travel. thanks akazawa-san for letting me try your magic board, and thank you yasan for maybe letting chris shape one for me?? please????
anyway, my massage is waiting and i can’t wait to get back to japan. eat some good food, surf some good waves, and meet my friends….. see ya….
