Vespa, Ticket, Mangos, Harley, Beach


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today was such a beautiful day. jumped on the vespa this morning and headed to waikiki for a swim. swam out past canoes and back. it was picture perfect. then rode over to bowls to check the waves. the waves looked super fun but i’ve been surfing too much so decided to take a break today.
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after i came out of the water in waikiki, one of the beach boys yelled to me “hey kirby, how’s your mango tree?” what? i hardly know this guy? and he’s asking me about a mango tree i don’t even have? so i yell back “what? i don’t have a mango tree.” then he walks toward me, opens a bag, and pulls out 2 big ripe mangos. he said “this is for you.” wow! i was so happy. this is the spirit of aloha, and this is why i love hawaii! as i was walking back to the vespa with my mask, fins, and 2 ripe mangos. a couple of tourist come up to me and said “how was the snorkeling?” i told them, “the water is so clean and look what i found” as i held up the mangos. they said “really?” i said, “really.” haha.
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then i get back to my vespa and guess what????? a fricken parking ticket!!!! OMG! why? everybody tells me that i can park that thing anywhere and don’t have to pay the meter. so i park it between 2 cars on the street like everybody else. then i come back and see a ticket? what?
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$35 dollars. i was super pissed. but the beach boy that gave me the mangos made my day. $35 is just money, but getting a mango with aloha is priceless.
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then i jumped on the harley and headed to sandy beach. haven’t been out there in a while and every time i go there without my surfboard, the waves are good! it was sunny, warm, overhead, and only 4 surfers out. what a beautiful place!
today was my day off so i just took everything as it came. went to visit my nephews, went to visit my grandpa, and rode around hawaii enjoying the perfect weather and clean air. i have a few days off so i’m online searching for a place to go, or for something to do. what? when? where? how? i don’t know. i’m just going with the flow and where ever the flow takes me, i’m there. have a great evening.
