Glee, Mangos, Headache


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i went to my grandpa fukunaga’s house to pick mango’s the other day. this year was the best season for his mango as hundreds of juicy mango’s were picked.
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so many that you just couldn’t keep up. seen some nice ones that fell on the ground. mottainai in japanese means “what a waste.”
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once it falls down, the birds get it, and it’s ruined. what a bummer.
photo 55
i passed by this building i once ran through when i was in 4th grade elementary school at hahaione. i use to live on the other side of this building so we use to go through the parking garage as our short cut home. it’s always really dark under there so i was running full speed when all of a sudden, i remember waking up on the ground. i ended up running into a thick steel pole and knocked out. after i woke up, i had a big hole in my forehead with blood gushing down my face. the ambulance came, i went to the hospital, i got stitches, and i became a better kid. my grandpa osaki use to always tell me that hitting that pole was the best thing that happened to me. i was still a bad kid, but before that day, i was a terrible kid.
remember i posted a blog about japan’s youngest billionare Yoshikazu Tanaka? well, a week ago, there were some concerns that one of its sales methods may be illegal. when the news broke, he lost $720 million. yes, his stock value went down $720,000,000 or 72,000,000,000 yen. ouch!
anyway, i gotta get going to the airport. going to watch a movie, relax, wake up, eat sushi, and enjoy this next 19 day mega vacation. dream big people!
