Evening Session and Stolen Vehicle!


my sister’s still been shooting a lot of photos and i’m just waiting till the day she stops. then maybe i can borrow her 100-400mm lens, the lens i always wanted to get. but for now, i’ll just wait because she will burn out someday soon. haha. but for this afternoon session, she was right on it! the boys ripping on the east side of oahu.
josh moniz was the underdog going into the world contest in panama. but a 4th place finish in the world boosted his confidence, image, and air attack.
isaiah moniz is starting to become a man. i still treat him as a kid and probably always will. he was the cutest little kid and has become a handsome young teen. good looks and good surfing can get you ahead in the world we live in.
josh again going big! a big boy doing big airs is unstoppable. power surfing will never die.
**my sisters whole car got stolen 2 days ago from this surf spot on the east side. they went surfing and when they came back to the parking lot, the car was gone. it’s a pretty sad thing when locals steal from locals. if you see a guy driving my sisters gold chevy tahoe, beat him up, hold him down, call me, then i will beat him up, then call the police, then have him arrested.
