How to build a shelf. How to take a legendary photo.


i waited 3.5 hours last night to see alyssa, but it was well worth it. a go-naminori blogger on her way to a bright career!
photo 1
making shelves takes precision measurements. just a slight miscalculation will throw everything else off. that’s why i stress education. before you go to the hardware store, you better know exactly what you need so you don’t waste money. this shelf cost me $27 total and took 30 minutes to make from scratch. i turned 3 pieces of wood into a nice wooden shelf and cant’ wait till my next project. build a house? can somebody give me some land? haha.
photo 3
almost done. just a nice antique white paint and it will be ready to go. how did i learn carpentry? i watched my grandpa build houses my whole childhood life. image training pays off.
last, check out this cool photo my sister took at waikiki. all the longboard legends of hawaii! strongest longboard team in the world. sick photo tammy!
