Look at my Ass! haha.


photo 1
i had so much fun diving with the kids yesterday. these kids are so scared of sharks so i took them to the place with the most tiger sharks on oahu. and to make things worst, the water was super dirty and murky. they thought they were lucky they didn’t see any sharks, but what they don’t know is that the sharks were there, but they just couldn’t see them. haha. and the waves were coming up all day long so we were dodging overhead sets with my boat. i call it boat surfing!
photo 2
seth, gen, and kalen are cool kids. all top hawaiian surfers that are hooked on free diving. i’m super stoked to be a part of their free diving beginning. every dive there something funny happens. today? i took the boys out to the deep for some mental training. seth’s deepest dive until yesterday was 30′. today, i wanted to push him deeper and deeper. so i take my boat out to the 40′ deep blue. we jump in, i tell him to relax, take deep breaths, and touch the bottom. first try, did it! then i tell him to follow me out as i swam into the deeper water. it was 45′ and then i told seth to touch bottom. he said “no way uncle. i cannot do it!” i said “yes you can. and if you don’t go all the way down, i will pull you down to the bottom with me.” he looked at me as if were joking. no i wasn’t. he took his breaths, relaxed, dove to the bottom and touched it! 44′!!!! 44′ (13.4M) is really good considering all the diving we did earlier in the day. next time i take them diving, seth will go 55′ or 17M. and if he doesn’t, i will pull him down there. haha. but gosh, had a fun dive with these kids. i was always pushed to my limit from tony so i’m paying it forward to the kids. i’ll keep on pushing them until they dive 100′ (30M), spear a big tuna, and bring me some sashimi. just being a surfer these days doesn’t cut it, you got to go deeper than that. and that’s what these kids are doing.
photo 3
i was watching seth on one of his dives and i seen something on his ass. i looked closely and it was a hole in his wetsuit. haha. his ass was sticking out of the hole and there were goosebumps all over because the water was cold. hahaha… i couldn’t stop laughing under water….
kalen dove 45′ easily. gen didn’t see a GT in the house. seth needs a new wetsuit. i have sashimi for the whole week. what an exciting day. can’t wait to do it again!
