Reef Fish, and my 2 little chicks!


what an awesome diving day today. i drove to kaneohe this morning to meet up with my dive partners kyle nakamoto and james oshiro. the 3 of us took my little boat all the way to the north shore, kahuku to be exact. pretty far, but the water was so calm that my boat felt like the titanic. so many things happened but too tired to get into it. i want to sleep, i want to wake up early tomorrow morning, and i want to surf!
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james, kyle, and i pretty much have the system down. from launching the boat to cleaning up, everything goes smooth. two cool divers that i feel comfortable in the ocean with. thanks james and kyle for the exciting day in the ocean!
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this is what you call a successful reef dive. we lost 2 ulua’s or GT’s but it’s ok. there’s always tomorrow.
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the biggest catch today was these 2 little chicks. i know a little girl who’s chicken just died. she’s still traumatized about it so i’ve been searching all around the island for a little chicky these past 3 months. i’ve been in the bushes, mountains, and everywhere chickens hang out. imagine me stopping on the side of the road and chasing chickens? haha. today, when we were washing my boat, i seen 2 chicks in the bushes. i put back on my full wetsuit, i put back on my mask, gloves, and fins. then i dive into the bushes to try to catch the fast chicks. then as i was about to grab one of them, a bear came out and attacked me. i wrestled with for a while then kyle came out and speared the bear in the foot with his speargun. then james jumped on him and held his knife to the bears throat. then the bear said sorry and went back into the mountains. all the time, i was holding on to the 2 chicks. now, these 2 chicks are safe and sound in a loving home. what a crazy day! i’m so tired that i’m starting to hallucinate.
good night!
