Jason Mraz is a four letter word!


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i want to thank Akudo-san for the wonderful lobster dinner last night. also want to thank him for the fish, squid, and jacksan from japan. oh, and also for the cool Standard California clothes! i’m a pretty lucky and happy guy right now!
can you believe that Jason Mraz is coming to hawaii to play live at the waikiki shell? i just found out and was trying to get tickets. all the good seats are sold out so i went online to look for front row tickets. couldn’t find any. then i dug deep and found a professional ticket scalper. no front row tickets, but still pretty good seats.
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so late last night, i meet him in a dark parking lot. he pulls up with his cadillac escalade. i’m carrying a lot of cash, and he’s carrying a lot of valuable tickets. who do you trust? he pulls out the tickets printed on paper? i pull out the cash. we make the exchange and the transaction was done in 5 minutes. i’m starting to give people the benefit of the doubt so i take the paper and trust a total stranger. then i ask him if he can get me front row tickets. he says, nope, can’t get them and nobody can sell them. what? he explained to me that the developed a new ticketing system so if you want the front section tickets, you have to pay by credit card and the name of the credit card holder must be there. this is to prevent ticket scalpers like him to make millions on scalping. i’m still not giving up and will still be looking for front row tickets.
as for the price, i ended up paying 2x the face value of the ticket. it’s this guys job to stand in line overnight, drop the money, and try to sell it for double. i ended up staying in the parking lot for a long time talking story with him. he taught me the ins and outs of ticket scalping. it’s a gamble, but must be paying off for him because his car was nicer than mine. haha.
anyway, got tickets to Jason Mraz on July 1st. but still not giving up on getting closer to the stage. see you up front!
