Basil Parmesan and Thai Chicken Curry


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it’s so fun taking newlywed couples surfing for their first time. Ma-kun and Riyu-san got married the other day on the island of Hawaii. then came to Oahu to surf. we started from the beginning and had such a great time! such a lovely couple with a great life ahead of them. wish you both the best future!
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after surfing, we went sightseeing. when i got out of my car at tantalus, my boards looked like they were going to fall off. no wonder everybody was looking at me weird. we were laughing. this happens all the time and doesn’t bother me at all. i know i should strap the boards on better but that’s the lazy side of me. if one strap works, then let it be. just don’t drive too close to me. haha.
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Da-Spot is my favorite local food restaurant recently. been going there a lot and everybody loves it. Ma-kun and i ordered the Basil Parmesan Chicken. so good!
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Riyu-san ordered the Thai Chicken Curry. looked good too.
today was another beautiful day. the waves were good, the weather was good, and my afternoon nap was good. i can’t believe i’m leaving again next week on another trip. my life is going by way too fast!!! going to sleep early and surfing early tomorrow. have a great evening.
