Today's Beautiful Sunset!


i woke up, did some computer work, organized my surfboards for tomorrow,
packed a little for my upcoming trip, responded to emails, drank
kombocha, ate cereal, went to buy some fresh eggs, went to refill a
menehune water bottle, jumped on the harley, rode for 5 hours, stopped
by ford to check out the new explorers, stopped by a car show i didn’t
even know about, checked out the boats coming in at kaneohe to see what
they caught, and seen the most amazing sunset on the way home. what more
could you ask for in a single day?
hawaii is magic. there is so many things to do here besides surfing.
today, i did a lot. tomorrow, i’m surfing all day! i can’t believe i’m
leaving in 6 days! starting to get really excited!!!
