

everybody in the world knows who Hawaii’s Clark Little is. north shore
surfer, big wave charger, turned photographer, and captures the most
incredible photos i’ve ever seen. Clark’s up in japan now because he had
an exhibit at the greenroom festival in yokohama this past weekend. last
night, he called me and left a message on my phone saying how he wants
to go up to Sendai to check things out. i thought that was pretty cool.
then today, he calls me again and says he’s at the yokohama station and
is heading to Sendai right now. so i ask him where he’s going? he says,
don’t know, just want to go and see things for myself so going there,
renting a car, and driving around. i know a lot of people from hawaii
that want to see things with their own eyes. no, it’s not sightseeing,
it’s just a true feeling how people from hawaii want to help, but want
to see how with their own eyes. just like me so i know that feeling all
too well. i point him in a direction, then we hang up as he gets on the
train. 5 seconds later, i thought to myself. if he goes to Sendai and
gets off the train, he will see a booming city and probaby won’t be able
to get into the deep side. that would be a waste. so i get on my phone,
call up my dear friend Megu-chan in Sendai. luckily she was off today. i
asked if she can guide Clark around. she said of course. i call Clark
back, tell him that he will be taken care of, and now, they are driving
around Sendai as i type this blog. it took 10 minutes on the phone for
me, and when i hung up, i thought to myself. gosh, this is cool to have
everybody connected in one way or another. Clark told me over and over
how he loves japan and how he wants to help in someway. he’s already a
photographer superstar in japan and i’m sure he will make a lot of
people happy just by showing up. i’m pretty happy that this all worked
out. i am smiling in my car. i’m hoping something good will come out of
this. the more people that get involved, the better. and for me, i know
that it’s never too late. 5 minutes later, Clark sent me a text message
saying “thank you, i got in touch with Megu-chan. this is priceless!”
the word “PRICELESS.” there are thing in life money can buy, but there
are things that are priceless. my friends are all important to me. and
connecting them in way or another is one of the main reasons for
Go-Naminori. it was a dream 7 years ago, now it’s reality.
Hey Clark, Thanks for thinking about Sendai.
To my friends in Sendai, Hope you can meet up with Clark!
And to Megu-chan, you are a true friend I can always depend on. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart!
