Excuse me, What does 72 mean?

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I’ve been riding this Harley Sportster 72 around for the past few weeks
and been getting a lot of compliments. Most people asking me “what year
is it?” I tell them, “it’s brand new, a 2012.” the look at me as if I
were lying. I don’t know much about the history of motorcycles but this
one i thought was super cool. i just liked the look of it. this
particular model came out one month ago and is the hottest item down at
the Harley Davidson dealer. So earlier today, I called Harley and asked
what “72” means. They told me that they made these type of motorcycles
back in the 1970’s, 1972 to be exact. So they just came out with this
classic low chopper sportster series this year. Now I get it!!!! This is
a freaking classic looking motorcycle! I love classic and now I love
this even more. My brother dropped the back to make it lower, he changed
the seat so 2 people can ride, and put on the backrest. Now it looks
even classier than before. No, it’s not my mine, but when people stop me
and ask about the bike, I pretend it’s mine. haha. Anyway, if you want
to buy one of these, good luck as they are all sold out on the island!
Next time I ride it, I’m going to wear my 70’s clothes, grease my hair
back, put a pack of cigarettes in my tshirt sleeve, and ride down and
pick up a few chicks. haha.
3 more days and i’m out of here. i’ll be riding 6 aircrafts in the next
few weeks, maybe more if i decide to head to thailand for a few days,
then back to hawaii for another endless summer. i have 6 cameras packed,
a speargun, 3 boards, and a lot of jokes for the group. i decided to let
everything out and have the time of my life once i board the boat. i
hope nobody throws me off. haha. have a wonderful evening!
