Mickey Mouse payment, Facebook IPO, Best Oahu Shave Ice, and Custom Go-Pro grip


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i had no idea that ESPN was owned by Walt Disney. so when i was filling out the tax forms for the photo ESPN bought from me, i was thinking to myself, “wow, i’m getting paid by Mickey Mouse!!!” haha.
as you know, Facebook went public. this means this company is no longer private. it’s a public company where anybody can buy shares if they want. three of my friends recently asked me if they they should buy stocks in Facebook. i told them “NO!” although there are 900 million users, each spending 6.5 hours a month on Facebook, it’s a gamble in this world of technology. remember MySpace? remember Mixi? these companies were once on the top, but now so down that nobody wants it. Facebook is the craze now but let me tell you that something better, bigger, and better will come out soon. instead of investing your savings in shares of Facebook, you’re better off going to Las Vegas and gambling your life away. i think you have better odds.
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hey, i found the best shave ice store in hawaii! i’ve heard so many good things about this place so i decided to investigate. it was so dam good that i forgot to take a photo of the shave ice. the best, the biggest, and the cheapest. my new secret spot!
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i was looking for a slim waterproof pole for my go-pro. couldn’t find the right size anywhere so decided to make my own. went to the hardware store, spent $3, and made the best custom grip ever. wait till you see the barrel shots i’m going to get in the mentawai’s!
OMG!! i can’t believe i’m leaving tomorrow!!!!!
