
good evening. finally got to japan. seemed like a long flight and
being that it is flight 1 out of 6 flights on this trip, i guess things
will feel longer as time goes by. the weather couldn’t be any better.
sunny, warm, and perfect weather today. have to do some last minute
shopping before getting on another flight to bali. i pulled up to
inaida-san’s condo in tokyo earlier and seen a big box outside next to
the sidewalk. wow! my boards! i was happy to see it, but then a
little worried that it was sitting right where somebody could come up
and walk away with it. japan is a really safe county but i still worry
because if somebody stole my surfboards, i would be a very unhappy
surfer in mentawai. want to thank yassan, tomoko-san, keisuke, matchi,
and everybody at TSSC for getting my boards done and to me on time. i
can’t wait to ride it!
have to head to dinner. going to the best steak restaurant in the
world. yeah! be back later. have a wonderful evening and i’ll
probably be back at 3am when my jet lag kicks in.
