Kelia Moniz and Roxy Jam in Biarritz….


good morning. i was on the internet for a long time yesterday looking for a camera. i need a small one to keep on me so i won’t ever miss the shot. i always have my cel phone but the image quality is very low. good enough for the internet, but not good for print. i’m kind of confused because every body is telling me to get different types of cameras. i just want the best one with a reasonable price. and something that shoots RAW images. HELP!!! please give me information…. thanks..

a friend told me that i should buy this one. after he explained why, i decided that this is the one for me. but wait!!! i didn’t know this cost $6,000???? shit, that’s more than my car’s worth…. no way man….
**ok, now here is the surf report for friday. it’s 5:45am now and the waves are looking good. town is in the 3-4′ range with clean conditions. it’s not that crowded and there are waves everywhere. the trade winds are supposed to return so hopefully we have off shore conditions all day long. there is even a small north swell. laniakea is small but the conditions are epic!! looks like a perfect point right. oh wait, i just seen a big set break at bowls. i have to go. go-surfing!!! hope you have a nice day!!!

hey, the roxy jam in france is coming up on july 10th to the 14th. kelia is entering and is super focused on winning it. it will be live so you can all watch it on the internet. by the way, is that kelia on the poster? it kind of looks like her but i can’t tell…
