Heaven's Beach


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this beach has been voted over and over the most beautiful beach in the world. it’s not like this everyday of the year. today was one of those exceptional days that make you go “wow!”
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Suzuki-san is from sendai and came to hawaii 7 times. i asked her where she hasn’t been too and took it from there. if you came to hawaii 7 times and haven’t visited what japanese call “Heaven’s Beach,” you don’t know what you’re missing. a must go place!
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we were taking turns jumping on the white sandy beach. people on the side thought we were crazy. haha. we’re not crazy, we’re just having fun on one of the most beautiful days of the year.
photo 5
what caught my eye was the beautiful clouds above the islands. nature at it’s best! and if you’re looking at the girl in the pink bikini, you’re busted. haha.
anyway, want to thank Suzuki-san for a wonderful day of surfing, sightseeing, eating, and yoga! have a safe flight back to japan.
