Mission 6 Photos by Shinsuke Matsukawa


this day was freezing cold. in fact, a lot of days up in tohoku were freezing cold. if i was on a surf trip, i’d probably be complaining. but after experiencing what i have in the past year, i can’t complain about anything. my life has surely changed.
a lot of people lost everything. if something were to happen to my house, the first thing i would grab are my precious photos. so making new memories is a start to a new life.
from a kid, i always had a hard time thanking people. don’t get me wrong. i really appreciate everything people do for me, but i just was kind of shy saying “thank you.” even till this day, i sometimes forget. but when i go back and look at photos like this, i don’t realize how thankful i am to have such amazing people around me. the volunteers on our missions have hearts of gold. and i want to say “Thank You!”
i remember eating some of this pork. it was soooo good!
seeing such a long line at the register was so amazing. Naomi-san’s dream became a reality and her hard work made a lot of people smile. the We Are One Market turned out to be a success!
and the hot sweet malasada’s brought smiles to the kids faces. to eat something so sweet and warm for the first time was fun to watch.
it’s always sad at the end of the day when we have to say our “bye bye’s.” the people in tohoku are so kind, warm hearted, and inspire me so much. the only way i can keep smiling is knowing that i’m going back there again, again, and again! this was one of the happiest days of my entire life!
thank you to our team, and thank you matsu for these precious photos. We Are One!
