Cafe Kaila, Tokyo Japan


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i remember a year ago when i use to pull up to Cafe Kaila, walk in, get a seat, and enjoy the best breakfast in hawaii.
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now days, there’s a line going out the door and about a 30 minute wait. for a busy guy like me, no way i can just sit around waiting for 30 minutes. i give up.
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now Cafe Kaila is planning to open a restaurant in japan. i bet it will be an instant success!
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right next to the new tokyo sky tree, which happens to be the tallest tower in the world.
i found out my dream vacation house, The Modern Hotel. as i was sitting on the balcony of a suite, i was looking right into bowls and was watching my friends surf. then as i looked into the yacht harbor, i was thinking how cool it would be to have a yacht parked right in the harbor. i’d call my friends to meet me in the parking lot, jump on my boat, and we’d go surfing. my new dream? why not. anything is possible!
