Confidence is EVERYTHING!


i’ve received a lot of comments about this photo. if you know anything
about surfing, this is a power turn. a power turn meaning committing to
the lip, and putting your whole body into the maneuver. from day 1 to
day 11, Reika’s surfing went up 2 levels. day by day, she gained
confidence and by the last day, she was surfing like a champion. this
was her last session and i remember Reika telling me that that’s the way
she wanted to end her trip. which is on a good note. her confidence
built and when i found out she won the jr. pro contest in japan
yesterday, i wasn’t surprised at all. i knew this girl was going to take
the fire she gained in the mentawai’s and burn up every contest she
enters this year. anybody want to bet me she will be champion this year?
hey Reika, nice turn. nice contest win. and nice dancing. keep on
ripping, keep on winning, and keep on smiling! you can do it!
