Surfer/Photograper/Apple Genius


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go log on to the apple website and check out the new video for the MacBook Pro. if you don’t blink, you will see someone very familiar. yes, this guy sitting on the airplane.
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look again! know who it is? yes, it’s Hawaii Photographer Clark Little! i was just up at clarks house and he was telling me how apple approached him for his photography. not only did they use his awesome photos, they used him! it’s so awesome to see a hard worker like clark make it big! he’s a perfect example of “if you work hard, good things will come.” i’m super stoked for clark and bigger things are just around the corner.
so to all you kids out there. work hard, love your job, and someday all kinds of opportunities will come your way. it really happens!
and want to thank mike for spotting out clark in this video. you’re sharp dude!
