Apple Juice Diet/Canon Upgrade


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i took this photo of Toda-san right after we ate kalbi and desert. this is normal. right after this, Toda-san went on a 2 day apple juice diet. how did he look after 2 days?
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can you see the difference? apple juice dieting works! now he’s surfing lighter, and faster! good job Toda-san on your diet. we are all proud of you!
speaking of dieting. check out this prime rib plate lunch photo Bobby sent me. i’m going to try it on my next chance. looks so good!
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ever since i started shooting, i’ve always dreamt of this lens. a Canon EF 100-400mm Telephoto. that was 7 years ago and if you checked the stats on my computer on how many times i visited the Canon site since, you would flip. i look at it, dream of it, and can’t buy it. yeah, just too dam expensive for a lens. it’s suffering when indonesia guys shooting next to you on the boat have this lens, it’s suffering when your sister just starts shooting and has this lens. yes, i’ve been suffering for a long time and it’s about time to fix that problem.
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i wake up this morning, no more dreaming for me. i sign on, i order the lens, and it’s coming in 2 days. how am i going to pay for this? easy! just work harder! then next, i’m going to buy the canon 7d. even thought i tell myself to quit shooting photos, i just can’t do it. in 30 years from now, all the photos i’m taking will be priceless. keep on surfing, keep on shooting, Go-Naminori!
**and the next person that asks me for a free photo, i’ll send you this invoice along with your photo. haha.
