Doggy Surfers/Raw Liver/Secret Japan/LB's


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you see the coolest things in hawaii. check out his little doggy hanging 20. must be one happy dog!
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is this the next boom? dog surfing? i’m glad i had my camera yesterday or i wouldn’t have gotten these photos.
since the beginning of this month, they banned raw liver in japan. yeah, no liver sashimi? OMG! that was my favorite! now i have to go back to the mountains and shoot a wild pig. then have hayato come and cut open the stomach and prepare liver sashimi for us. or if anybody knows a secret restaurant in japan that still serves liver sashimi, please let me know. i promise i won’t tell.
everybody asks me “how’s the waves in japan?” well, it’s like this! secret spot photo sent by a secret surfer friend. Hey U-san, Thank you for this photo. I hope to see you there this year. Let’s surf, eat good food, and sip jacksan at night. can’t wait!
and to Yoda-san, great surfing with you in hawaii. keep on surfing!
