A Happy Surfing Day in Hawaii!


want to know my daily routine in hawaii? surf, surf, and surf! i’ve been surfing everyday since 1/1/12 and i thought i’d never surf this much in my life! the weathers been perfect, the waves been perfect, and the smiles perfect too. yesterday was just another great day in hawaii.
i met Miwa-san from through go-naminori. now we surf, eat, and are good friends. this is the magic of go-naminori. we are just surfers that all love to surf! and love hawaii too. what else can you ask for?
recently, there’s been a lot of people coming up to me telling me that they check go-naminori. Makoto-san is one of them. it’s got to be a great feeling to meet such awesome people around the world every single day. surf your dreams guys!
i like Tae-san’s shirt. “Don’t talk to me.” haha. i wish i had a shirt like that too. haha. Tae-san’s been surfing so good recently. smart, focused, and powerful. good combination. if she surfed everyday, she would be hanging ten in a few months. Go-Taesan!
it’s been a windy summer so far. strong tradewinds everyday. but yesterday afternoon, it stopped. we got to surf epic bowls like mentawai conditions. glassy, calm, and like a surfers dream wave. wanted to welcome HIS vip specialist Kumon-san to hawaii!
Yuki-san got style! matching board, surf shorts, and wetsuit. great combination.
Kumon-san surfed for the first time last year. today, he surfed again. good style, good posture, and good best HIS vip service. great combination.
surf glassy waves, blue sky, white clouds, diamond head back, and good wave. great combination Yuki-san.
Inaida-san has the best life! surf, massage, and eat good food. great combination. he inspires me to work harder and harder. then i can become richer and richer. haha.
last, yesterday was the first time i tried to do a headstand while surfing on a wave. and yesterday was the first time in a long time i had so much water up my nose. please don’t try this. haha.
