Sayonara Salt and Pepper


another typhoon making its way toward japan. typhoon khanun is going to dump more and more rain on already soaked kyushu. 32 people already died and i hope that number doesn’t grow. hope every body stays safe!
well, yesterday was a sad day for me. my 2 chicks salt and pepper had to go. they were brothers and sisters, one male, one female. but where i live, it’s illegal to raise a male chicken because it crows too loud in the morning. you can actually get a ticket. for the past 2 days, pepper has been crowing at 6:30am so it was time to take them to a better place.
i was thinking of only taking pepper away, but these 2 chicks were born together, and stuck together for the last 2 months. they need each other for sure.
photo 2
so i picked a great place on top of the mountain near my house.
photo 1
opened the box, fed them for the last time, and said goodbye.
photo 3
i’d never thought i’d be sad releasing chickens. but being attached to them and seeing them everyday for the past 2 months was cool. usually i’d eat wild chickens, but not salt and pepper. they are in a better place now and the cool thing is that i can go back anytime to visit them. i have 2 female chicks on order from the hatchery and will pick them up next week. those, i will keep forever. good bye salt and pepper!
last, the kimura-san family from kobochihama in tohoku should be arriving here soon. i can’t wait to see them and can’t wait to show them around hawaii. the last samurai in hawaii! cool!
