Tohoku BBQ in Hawaii


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yesterday we had such a great bbq with the kimura-san family. the food, the vibe, and everything was awesome.
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a lot of people helped in someway or another after 3/11. all of us put so much energy into our WE ARE ONE missions and if it wasn’t for the thousands of people that supported us, none of this could have happened. our team went to tohoku 6 times representing each and every one that supported us mentally, physically, and financially.
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i haven’t had a hawaiian local style bbq in a while. made me think that we should do this more often.
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what it really comes down to is making the kids happy. i still remember thinking that if i go up to tohoku and make one kid smile, i will be satisfied. we’re a year and 4 months out and it’s these kids smiles that make me want to do more and more. shiroi-chan and shun-kun tandem surfing yesterday. i couldn’t believe how much these kids love the ocean.
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mari-chan got out the ukulele, we all got together and sang one of my favorite songs “Shimanchu Nu Takara.” i want to thank everybody that showed up again. and want to thank all of you who supported our missions. and to the Kimura-san family, please have a safe trip back to kobochihama tomorrow. you are all in our hearts and i can’t wait to see you later this year on M7. i hope you enjoyed hawaii and felt the aloha spirit. take care and We Are One!
